

With the release of The Case of the Cupid Curse RJ Scott and I are running a couple of contests. My contest will earn you a $25 gift card to Amazon, ARe or BN. Winner will be chosen at random on Saturday. To enter my contest you have to share the following: If given the choice what kind of paranormal creature would you like to be and why?

137 thoughts on “Contest!

  1. As I am reading your story “The Case of the Cupid Curse” I will go with fae. I like the idea of pointy ears and a beautiful face.

  2. if *I* had to pick it would be werewolves. i love wolves in general with them being highly social and mating for life. those aspects are very appealing to me

  3. I would want to be some sort of feline shapeshifter – I love the strength and slinkiness of cats and would love to leave my “normal” self sometimes 🙂

  4. If I was a paranormal creature I would like to be fae that would be interesting I think or maybe a tiger shifter.

  5. I would like to be a Dragon. I think it would be fabulous to have built in armor and be able to fly. 🙂 As long as there is a way to be “invisible” to the satellites, it would be cool to live in the modern era and visit around the world without being in a plane.

  6. Some sort of shapeshifter. The idea of leaving yourself behind and becoming something else is appealing. I would want to be immortal though so u gave eternity to explore and love your mate.

  7. This may be old school, but I think I would love to be a vampire. There is just something very sexy about them, very captivating. My second choice would be a shifter, because they have control over their changes, as opposed to a werewolf (Max and I agree on this lol)

  8. I would love to be a cat shifter, I think it would be awesome to be one of those graceful creatures. Also, there is the hope of finding my one true mate!

  9. A dragon! I can see all the different colors shimmering as the sunlight strikes them, and the ability to fly would be totally wicked!

  10. Some kind of shifter, but not a wolf. Maybe a wild dog? or some kind of falcon… Getting to see the world from another organisms perspective is so fascinating to me

  11. I would totally be a shifter. If I couldn’t shift into any animal I wanted to, I would want to shift into a wolf. Wolves are my favorite animals because they mate for life, and who doesn’t want to find their soul mate?!!

  12. I’d be a vampire… supposedly they have a very high sex drive and can hypnotize hotties for sex and other things. 🙂

  13. I would choose werecat of some kind (cheetah, lion, tiger). I would hopefully have the speed and the retractable claws as well as the grace and slim body.

  14. I would be a werewolf, strong body, built in fur coat, a fluffy tail to wag, run and play in the great outdoors, eat whatever I wanted including men if the mood strikes me and kick the butts of anyone who pissed me off.

  15. A werewolf, because I love the idea of packs, puppy piles and the one for all, allfor one feelings

  16. A fire breathing, flying dragon shifter. You can fly away to anywhere you want to go and if somebody pisses you off, you can throw flames at their butt.

  17. WOW, tough one Ms Amber, lol. I believe I would want to be an elf. Most of the books I have read with elves in them portray them as smaller in stature, so they don’t look threatening, but they mostly have the BEST magic.

  18. I would say a Wolf as I luv the idea of knowing that there is one person put there who is prefect for u and that u mate for life.

  19. I’d go with some kind of cat shifter – I think cats are so very beautiful & graceful plus I love the idea of just going furry when fed up with the world 🙂

  20. I would love to be a weretiger but not just any tiger I would want to be a white one because I think it would be cool to change into a something different.

  21. I think I would like to be a Andean Cat shifter. They are smaller wild cat that lives high in the mountains are pretty solitary.

  22. A Stripe-less White Tiger. They are beautiful, Strong, and not very common . I think all White Tigers are pretty, I’m just more found of the Stripe-less ones especially in the snow.. Wow.. What a sight

  23. Ooohh! I’d love to be a were-hawk!! Though I’m scared of heights and not really comfortable with flying, I just love birds and hawks held a special place in my heart 🙂

  24. A dragon! No question… I would be a blue & purple one with kick ass wings… Would love to fly & charbroil annoying people..

  25. I think my answer got wiped. A panther because they are sleek and sexy.

    Back when I thought I could write, I came up with a world where there were two races at war. The Shadows who could walk through any shadow, and end up on the other side of the world. And The Fae, who were all blond and blue eyed with white wings, in order to end the war the King of The Shadows and the Queen of The Fae married and had a child. The girl looked liked The Sadows, had blue eyes and black wings. The hybrid would be my other choice.

  26. I would love to be a shifter of some sort. Being able to go from a human body to a beautiful animal body would be fun. Especially if I were able to pick when I shifted. I have always loved looking at the moon and so think being a shifter would be most appropriate.

  27. i would love to be a Dragon Shifter, because it a wonderful creature full of power but also magic

  28. It’s funny my 9yr old asked me the same question yesterday I told her a Vampire and she got mad because she wants to be a Werewolf like on monster High and we won’t match

  29. I would love to be tiger. I like how they are solitary in nature but when the need arises they fight/protect/mate in groups. Or a dragon… Then I could breathe fire and fly either one would be awesome!

  30. My first thought was a tiger shifter since tigers have always been a favorite for me, but really if I could be anything. A dragon shifter would be the best. Big, strong, and being able to fly! Awesome!

  31. I’d have to go with a shape shifter as well. If I could pick only one animal I’d go with dragon but that may be because a dragon can be interpreted in many different ways and is up to the imagination not a live animal.

  32. I have always had a total fascination with mermen and merpeople. I like to whole uncharted world that we never see.

  33. Paranormal creature:
    I would like to be a wizard, able to see “dark matter” and “dark energy” and use this large part of the universe that we humans are not able to see or feel or touch – image we are only able to interact with less than 20% of the matter and energy that is part of our universe…

    I wish I was able to “step out of our time-stream” and watch (as in cinema) live in the past, i.e. 20-40 thousand years ago or 5-8 thousand years in the future. See whether (spelling right?) these paranormal creatures have actually lived in the past or if this is all just storytelling…

    Hey, we could actually be “nulls” i.e. it could be that human beings are blind and untouchable by anything magical… 😀

    1. Correction:
      dark energy : >70% of the universe
      dark matter : ca. 25% of the universe
      normal matter and energy: less than 5% of the universe !

  34. Dragon shifter. I love dragons as does my husband and, I think, being able to breathe fire and fly have to be awesome talents.

  35. A fox shifter, because I always liked the animal part of a sifter and for me the fox would be perfect animal, innocent on the outside but still a predator.

  36. I would like to be a shifter – a cat shifter. I would love to experience how it feels to be a cat.

  37. If I had to choose one type of paranormal, I would be a shifter. Preferably one of the big cats. The reason being that in all my reading I’ve never come across a shifter that was overweight (except for one, cuz he was an elephant shifter) and I would really like being able to purr. 🙂

  38. Definitely a shifter with the high metabolism so that I could eat lots and lots of chocolate. Imagine, never to worry about excess weight!

  39. I would definitely have to be a shifter. I would like to be a sleek big cat, like a tiger or panther. However most days I feel I should be a very large, scary but pretty dragon so I can eat all the people that tick me off.

  40. I’d want to be a White tiger shifter, why cause white tigers are my favourite animal then wolves, so yeah I’d want to be my fav animal. 😀

  41. Id would like to be a nephilim with the powers of a witch. Nephilim because I love the ideea of having wings, I like the freedom the wings would give me (I love to fly). And I would love to have the powers of a witch because I would like to stop the time. Why you may ask? Well, so many books to read and so little time. So stop time read a book/books and hours later when I start time again in the real world would have past only a couple of minutes at best. I really really wish I could have such a power. 🙂

  42. Someone already said this but I would be a fox shifter just because I think they are so quick and smart and pretty.

  43. I would love to be an Elf! I have always loved reading stories about them. They are everything I’m not, calm, graceful, and elegant!

  44. I know it’s not original but I would be a wolf shifter. They have The whole pack and family thing going for them.

  45. A Chameleon shifter, able to shift to whatever other creature I wished to be.
    goaliemom00 (at) gmai.com

  46. This is a pretty tough question since there is a lot to choose from. But if I had to choose, I would go with a werewolf because they are strong, caring creatures. They take care of their family and other in their community and they work together in packs. Also, I choose a werewolf because they have a soul made just for them.

  47. A Dragon shifter. They always seem to have some of the best powers, plus so cool to be able to fly and be almost invincible.

  48. I would go with wolves. I don’t know but in your books there lives are never boring. 🙂

  49. I think that this depends on what I’m reading at the time LOL:) But I guess I would say a leopard because the idea of that feline sleekness and agility appeal to me just now.

  50. I would like to be an all shifter. Sometimes I would like to run around in fur, its cold here right now. Sometimes I would like to race through the ocean like a dolphin. And others float on thermals, that sounds so relaxing to me.
    I guess I would like to have it all.

  51. I would be a wizard of some kind…being able to do spells and commune with nature sounds awesome

  52. I would want to be a wolf shifter, because shifting into another animal would be so cool and you get that one person made just for you, your mate 🙂

  53. I would have to go with witch, I was a big fan of the show “Charmed” and you have no idea how many times I’ve wished for the power to wish myself somewhere in an instant. Plus being magical would just rock. 🙂

  54. I would be a ‘ferret’ shifter, because after the movie The Beast Master all I could think of would be where I could shift and steal something shiny. Of course it could have been Marc Singer influencing me.

  55. I would want to be a wolf shifter—there’s the mate for life thing, the pack mentality where they all stand up for each other and protect each other, there’s also the fact that each one has a special job from the alpha to the omega!

  56. i like the idea of being different within my ‘breed’. so, if it were possible, i’d like to be a panther, only having the extra magic that would be in result of having a white pelt, instead of a black coat.

  57. I would want to be a house cat shifter. Able to blend in modern society and not having to have a special area to run in to not scare people. I think it would be fun.

  58. I would love to be either a dragon shifter or a big cat shifter, both are awesome in their own ways 🙂

  59. I don’t think my post previous in the day went through.
    I would be a dragon; they are big, cool and long lived, so can learn a heck of a lot!

  60. tiger shifter- would love to be able to turn into another animal, a tiger is graceful, powerful, deadly and because i’ll still be able to eat food

  61. I would be a vampire. I always wanted to fly and when you add all their other paranormal abilities it seals it. The only problem would be drinking blood, but with blood banks and such that problem would solved!

  62. I think I’d like to be a wolf shifter ….or a dragon….or a vampire… or fae. Decisions, decisions – it’s just too hard to decide.

  63. I would want to be a werewolf, because I could run as a wolf and have a mate. Or I would be happy if I could be a wolf or dragon shifter’s mate. If I didn’t have a choice, I would be a mermaid, because I love the ocean, aquariums, and swimming. I would have to choose shifter over vampire because I like Arizona too much. Fae would be cool, but there’s just something extra special about shifters.

  64. I would like to be a dragon shifter or a unicorn shifter. I’ve been fascinated with both unicorns and dragons since I was little and to also be a shifter would be the best of both worlds.

  65. Hmm… I’d either go with a shifter (the idea of having an animal side is just too cool) or fae/elf.

  66. A dragon shifter. I want to be able to protect the ones I love and have cool swirling eyes. There’s also something just so majestic about them that I like.

  67. Hmm… I’m not quite sure… I would want to be a shifter.. be a Liger.. but then i’d want to be, a Dragon… or a wolf.. perhaps a snake… I’m so not sure… there are so many things.. A Fae or hmm… gah, not sure.. but at this point in time (because of the stuff i’m reading right now. LOL) I think I’d want to be a wizard (or witch whichever) Magic seems like such an awesome thing… oh! and with magic I could shapeshift every now and then. 😉 LOL… So I’d go with being a magical being, witch or wizard…

  68. I would probably go with vampire because they get to live for so long. it would be great to be able to live for hundreds of years, travel, see so many things happen, etc. Plus, I am already a night person so I could deal with staying up all night 🙂

  69. I would be a version of an Encantado. Freak yes.

    “In human form they are pale-skinned and graceful, dressed usually in bright clothes in an old-fashioned style. Their transformation is never fully complete, however: an encantado will always have a bald spot on the top of its head where its dolphin blowhole remains. For this reason, the encantado always keeps his head covered, usually with a broad-brimmed straw hat. The encantado is better at assuming its dolphin form, though strange Boto with flippers ending in human hands have been reported.

    There are three elements that best characterize encantados: superior musical ability, their seductiveness and love of sex (often resulting in illegitimate children), and their attraction to parties. The encantado are curious about human society, and they are particularly fond of festivals and parties where they can enjoy music and dancing. It is not unheard-of for an enchanted one to dwell on land long-term, making a living as a musician. Kidnapping is also a common theme in such folklore. Encantados are said to be fond of abducting humans they fall in love with, children born of their illicit love affairs, or just anyone near the river who can keep them company, and taking them back to the Encante.” As per description by Mythical Creatures Guide.

    All sorts of *cough* enjoyable *cough* images popped into my head. The blow hole on the head gives me people-bumps, though.

  70. Definitely an animal shifter. I think it would be so much fun to be able to transform into another creature. Particularly if u mated for life like some of the characters in your stories. I’m thinking a leopard or a tiger except they are normally solitary. Maybe a meerkat as they live in a big family unit.

  71. I’d love to be a shapeshifter, either a tiger, a wolf, or a dragon. These are my favorite paranormals, and I admire the animal sides of those 3 as well, what they stand for, etc.

  72. I would choose dragon shifter…I like that they are the the epitome of magical power and I am a sucker for tails and scales.

  73. Definitely a shapeshifter. But not any shifter, no. It would have to be a werewolf. I love their highly protective streak, love it that they mate for life. I find it not only romantic but sexy as hell. And who wouldn’t want to be both an object and a giver of such a fiery passion, love and loyalty? Am I a sap? Probably. But the idea of not only having a soulmate but also belonging, being a part o something bigger, a member of a pack is truly appealing.

  74. I think I would like to be a dragon shifter. Cause I like how they are portrayed in most stories.

  75. I was born on Halloween so that means either a witch or a fae. I’ll choose whichever makes me a stronger Healer for both people and the land.

  76. Uhmm.. Mermaid
    I love swimming and i think it would be wonderful if i could send days exploring the oceans and such 😀

  77. I’d love to be some type of cat shifter. I think it would be awesome to share my body/soul with a feline. Cats are such amazing creatures.

  78. I would love to be a wereowl…to be able to fly and see the nightscape would be wonderful, and the whole spinning my head around is kinda neat as well 🙂

  79. I would like to be a cat shifter, but instead of a big cat I would like to be able to shift to a house cat. This is because our house cats have a very easy life, sleep all day and have anything you want handed to you.

  80. I would like to be shifter that could transform not only to various animals but different people as well. I would enjoying being able to experience the world from everybody shoes.

  81. I like the idea of a polymorph as well. To be anything I chose? Awesome.

  82. i would love to be a vampire/shifter hybrid to have the power of both would be incredible i would be incredibly fast my sight,taste and hearing would be enhanced and to be able to shift into my animal would be deadly in battle 😉 both of both worlds

  83. I think I would like to be a Selkie. I love to swim and these are generally native to the UK. I wouldn’t be the tricking kind. I would want to be the sort of selkie that finds her mate and lives with him on land voluntarily our vice versa.

  84. Depends on the day and what i’ve read recently. since I love cats and water perhaps a white tiger, but as long as I get a loving mate and a happy ever after I would be any magical creature

  85. A Vampire. I am basically content with the way I am, so would like to stay this way always. I am a night-owl, so I really wouldn’t miss the daylight.

  86. A wolf shifter definitely…but I would want to be part of the Moon pack! What cool pack mates of all kinds!

  87. I know it seem strange but I think a puppy dog shifter would be neat. You could escape from life for a while and just curl up and take a nap.

  88. I also like the idea of being a shifter. Probably a wolf or dragon. Or a human that could shift into multiple shapes. And I’d like it because it would be an escape from my regular life as a human, I could see the world through a different perspective.

  89. I an ideal world I would want to be a shifter so that I could change into any living creature. But if I had to choose one thing it would be a feline of some kind, maybe a jaguar because they tend to be solitary creatures and live in warm climates.

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