100 thoughts on “Today is Hubby’s Birthday!

  1. Calamari, Shrimp scampi over linguini and chocolate cake for dessert and a full day to read a book

  2. We usually go out to eat somewhere that we’d normally avoid because it’s a bit too expensive. It’s a nice treat and I look forward to it. 😀

  3. Going out to dinner with my parents and grandma. Then coming home and relaxing for the rest of the night.

  4. My favorite birthday thing is spending it with friends and family, but especially my mom because we share a birthday. Less about what I’m doing and more about who I’m with ^_^

  5. A great big Lemon cake with homemade Lemon icing and a few wonderful friends and family and a nice nap afterwards.

  6. Having lunch with my family and meeting some of my closest friends for coffee later. I know I’m boring, but I like to spend my birthday surrounded by the people I love

  7. I do a me day. I get manicure, pedicure, massage take myself out to eat, read and relax.

  8. Read, eat, online book shop, and hand out candy to children…(birthday is Halloween)

  9. My birthday was this past Wednesday. My favourite birthday activity is going out to dinner with the family.

  10. My husband will wake me with a kiss. Then we start our day. He takes me to breakfast, then it’s always off to either a park or some kind of zoo. Then after a fun day we go to dinner and he always sings happy birthday to me. He has did this every year since we married. Always takes that day off. It’s so much fun.

  11. My family always collect our loose change. On birthdays we use the change to let the one with the birthday select a restaurant to eat at. The kids really enjoy it.

  12. When my mother was still alive and I lived in Florida we would go to Epcot and spend the day

  13. We go out shopping then to a fancy restaurant and after that cake and presents.

  14. Absolutely nothing. Time to myself with no worries or concerns. Usually celebrate before or after with friends and family so I can indulge in selfishness on the dat.

  15. Happy Birthday to the Hubby of one of my favorite writers! I love making the rounds of all the restaurants and activities that have free stuff if you go in on your birthday. I also like trying to do as little as possible.

  16. Getting the day to myself. My family leaves me alone most of the day and I can read, sleep, soak etc. It’s my day. Later after a dinner they prepared we have cake and ice cream

  17. Happy Birthday to your hubby and Happy 28th wedding Anniversary to me and my hubby.

  18. Sleeping in, being left alone most of the day to read or watch movies. Boring, I know, but sooooo relaxing!

  19. Sleep late, treat myself to a mani/pedi, then enjoy a late lunch or early dinner and go back to bed to enjoy a good book!

  20. Happy birthday to your hubby!!
    Though my family’s not big on celebration, my mum usually cook something special for my birthday. That said, I love to have some “me time” and just enjoy myself (have an all day treatment, go see movie and just food-tasting for what I’m in the mood of).

  21. Just hang with my best friends for the whole day. Sometimes we do the zoo, a movie or a brand new activity and it’s always accompanied by great food and drinks. We used to finish with a night at the bar but we haven’t done that in a few years.

  22. Happy birthday Amber’s hubby!! I love just having a nice dinner with family and maybe a movie

  23. Happy birthday to your husband. I like to cuddle on the couch with some good takeout and my husband and a new book.

  24. A day with my family. I usually go to a mall or having a walk in a park and a picnic. Which is really difficult in the fall.

  25. Happy Birthday! My favorite thing to do on my bday is go out to eat with my family or just have a family dinner with everyone at my sister’s house.

  26. I Love it to celebrate my Birthday by having breakfast with my entire Family and then spend the day with friends, going Out and having fun!

  27. Fireworks! At least when our local Children’s Day celebration falls on my birthday… Happy Birthday to your Hubby!

  28. Dinner with my youngest sister and her hubby..wishing my twin was there to celebrate (distance can be a pain!)

  29. I like to stay home and cuddle on couch with hubby and watch movies. I can usually talk him in to one chick flick that day lol

  30. Happy Birthday. I hope it is a great day.
    I love any excuse to have chocolate cake. I share my birthday with several friends. We usually all get together and have lots of great food and laughs.

  31. My sons usually make me dinner, it started as a scary thing, but has grown very comforting over the years. This year was different because my oldest is stationed in Okinawa so we all had dinner on FaceTime. They planned it so he had the same meal. It meant a lot because I didn’t think I’d “see” him for my birthday.

  32. a day at the spa with my best buds, cocktails b4 dinner, wonderful dinner followed by a show, then everyone back at my house with pajamas by the fire and all of us reading our favorite author and girl talk until we all pass out.

  33. Happy birthday to your hubby. What to do on my special day … to sleep late. But with a nine year old that loves to give early morning birthday hug.So I actually win every time.

  34. Happy Birthday to your hubby! I like to spend the day with my family at the lake. Good company, laughter, playtime and cake!

  35. Favorite activity, I leave in a house with 12 people, several adults and children. Never any privacy and we do everything together, everything . My birthday is the only time I get me, alone time. A hotel with juzzuzi bathtub, bottle of wine or 2, junk food and a whole lot of books to read in quite. So awesome!!! Love for it every year.

  36. Happy birthday to your hubby! My favorite birthday activity is to go play mini golf with family at family fun center then we play some laser tag! Go out to eat while momma has some drinks!

  37. I spend my special day with my son since he was born on my birthday.. So we share a special day by going shopping and eating our birthday dinner at Red Lobster..

  38. We go out to eat and then have a special dessert for the birthday person. I love that it is not always cake, but sometimes is pie, cheesecake or a big cookie!

  39. My birthday falls between Thanksgiving and Pearl Harbor Day, and even my birth family forgot the date. Any time a friend remembers, it’s a priceless gift wrapped in love.

    Happy birthday to your hubby.

  40. I lead a bit of a lonely existence by choice so on my birthday, I like to make one of my favorite dishes and curl up with a good book.

  41. To have everything from bills to windows done so all I have to do is eat, read and relax.

  42. Happy Birthday to hubby – I would just like someone to remember (I have lots of family) but they forget since it falls on my late father’s birthday.

  43. My Daddy’s been taking me for a special birthday date since my 8th birthday: a tradition I now keep with my sons on their birthdays.

  44. I would love to be taken to a nice restaurant and made to feel super special. I’m normally broke and my girls have no money so I make my own. my ex never wanted to do crowds.

  45. Happy Birthday to your hubby, my birthday is today but its the 11th here but yesterday had a bbq so could hang out with family and friends and even had some rainbow gelati since it was a hot day and ice cream man came, was a great day and now today i’ll relax and read 🙂

  46. Today is my son’s birthday as well!! We’re in Minnesota, so the weather can be crazy, but today was in the 40s and we spent time outside. I gave the dog a haircut and he ran around with his friends playing Nerf wars. (He’s 14… yikes! They grow fast!) My birthday is in May and since it’s usually warm I like to spend it laying outside with a good book in the sun.

  47. I like to take the day off and do something for myself I always said I would do. One year I got allergy testing done, then a tattoo one year, then Lasik… Now I try to do something that makes me relaxed instead of tortured.

  48. I enjoy making someone else do the housework. My birthday is my only guaranteed day off (I’m a full time carer for husband so I’m always working) and my sister in law will make sure all the housework is done and I don’t have to go to any appointments with him and then will take us out to dinner!

  49. I like to do many things but this year I would so love to just do something simple. Just go the park and make BBQ and just eat and laugh with family. lol… ahh~ Sounds like the best thing in the world right now.

  50. Happy Birthday! A special birthday involves going out with family to dinner. Returning home for cake and maybe a movie.

  51. Usually I love spending time with my family for my birthday, but this year I would love to just shut my bedroom door and curl up with a bunch of books and read without any disturbances. I know it sounds selfish, but my days for the last two years revolve around taking care of my sweet mother-in-law. Having a day without any demands on my time would be perfect! Happy Birthday to your Husband!

  52. Steak. We usually do movies too but I’m such a red meat girl that the food definitely wins.

  53. my favorite thing to do is have my family around with good food and fun things to do like playing against my grandchildren on their video games

  54. I like to spend my day with my kids doing things they like to do. Like one year we drove around the island and ate at all of our favorite local food places, by the end of the day I think we ate at 14 different places and we all felt sick from eating to much.

  55. I haven’t actually had a birthday part in forever, but I’m a huge fan of surprises. And for me my best birthdays include awesome food =]. One time we had a few days in New York before we flew to Ireland and the extended layover straddled my birthday so my husband arranged to hang out with some of our friends that lived in the city. They all conspired behind my back to get me a huge pizza with extra mushrooms and the best German Chocolate cake I’ve ever had from Make My Cake. It was awesome.

  56. I always like going to a good restaurant, and my definition of “good” doesn’t mean expensive necessarily. It could be somewhere I like to frequent like Golden Corral, or an out-of-the-way Italian restaurant that not many people know about, or a Japanese steakhouse. Oh, and taking off from work if it’s during the week — that’s necessary. 🙂

  57. I like to meet with friends because since we finished highschool, we don’t see each other as often. And having ice cream with my family, LOL. I am not a fan of cakes.

  58. Love to have dinner with family and friends. Maybe go to an event or bowling.

    Thank you for the chance.

  59. Sleep in, have someone else do all the cooking that day, including making my favorite orange cake!

  60. Happy birthday to you Hubby!
    The thing I like is that I always celebrate my birthday with two of my best friends, either together or one-on-one. We´ll find something nice to do, make something really yummy to eat – both dinner and dessert – and have a sleepover. It´s something I look forward to each year 😀

  61. I really don’t have one specific activity I like. Usually at some point that day I reflect on my life and give thanks for all the happiness in it. I don’t really like big celebrations, just quiet days are good for me. I’ve learned to really pay attention to what makes me happy. It’s usually the simple things. Then of course cake is great but truthfully this year I skipped cake and at a dark chocolate Hershey bar. I’ve learned that it’s the treat behind the mindset not the cake that I really want.

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