
Birthday Contest!

Hi guys. Sheri here! First, Happy Birthday to my favorite boss, Amber!!

Second, I will have 3 giveaways today, each with 2 book bundles like this and then 3 winners will also win a dragon and a pen bundle without the book.

I may also give out a few extra dragons and pens at the end to those who participate today.

For the first contest, let’s wish Amber a very happy 53rd birthday and share our best birthday memories. What was your most wild and fun birthday?

Let’s have fun today! It’s a party.


It’s My Birthday!

I know some people think that after 50 birthdays shouldn’t count anymore, but as I’m turning 53 I have to disagree. I still love birthdays. To me, it means I survived another year, and I should celebrate. My husband and son are taking me to the zoo this year like a little kid, and I’m going to enjoy the hell out of it. I might ven get some cotton candy.

To celebrate I’m going to give, to one lucky winner, a $50.00 Amazon GC. In order to enter you have to share your favorite zoo animal and why and if you think they would make a good shifter.


Birthday Post

I’ve discounted the number because it only looks bad that I didn’t post. LOL. I worked out yesterday (a rare but much-needed occurrence.) Unfortunately, it caused me to fall asleep and not finish my post. So here is the monster post I mentioned before. Enjoy.

Remember tomorrow is my actual birthday and there will be contest extravaganza.

There are many things people don’t tell you about monsters. It isn’t all fangs and claws or tracking questionable beings through dark forests. Sometimes it is holding your breath while the earth shakes, and the trees topple like dominoes.

“Why did I let you talk me into this?” I hissed to my former best friend.

“Shh.” Karl hissed.

“Why? It’s not going to hear us.” Sometimes, I regret handing Karl those blocks in preschool. I wouldn’t be in these situations if I had just kicked over his block tower and ran off.

“They have excellent hearing.” He shouted just as the last tree slammed into the ground.

The creature’s head snapped around.

I stopped breathing.

It stood easily taller than the trees it stomped over by a large margin, but its twitching nose and flicking ears didn’t instill confidence in our sketchy hiding place. Karl froze in his half-crouch. Only the slight movement of his chest revealed he hadn’t turned to stone.

I snapped my head up as loud screeching echoed through the forest.

“Go investigate, boys. I just want a status report. Surely even the two of you can do that.” My boss’s words rang in my head. He didn’t care about worker safety as long as he got results. Asshole. He was probably hoping I’d get killed, and he wouldn’t have to pay disability leave when I inevitably got stomped on.

The closer the creature came the more I realized they had vastly underestimated its size. Screw twenty-three feet it was closer to thirty. If I made it back to the office I was going to wedge my leather book right up our researcher’s ass. Liar had no idea what we were dealing with.

I hoped its sight was poorer than its hearing, as I began a slow backstep. I nudged my head to Karl, indicating my direction.

Karl nodded and patterned his steps after mine. My heart double-timed in my chest as I took another step back, keeping the foliage between us to block his sight in case he could see me.

“We gotta get out of here.” Karl’s desperate expression only served to notch my anxiety up to higher levels.

“I know,” I hissed. It didn’t take a genius to figure out we had to get the fuck out of there before the monster crushed us beneath his clawed feet.

“What are we gonna do?”

“Shut up!” I snapped. It was challenging to show my ire and not make noise, either. What is that saying, ‘if a zombie comes, I’m tripping you’?  I was seconds from checking to see if that worked with monsters.

The whoosh-whoosh of propellers surged relief through my veins. The military had arrived. The actual military, not the pseudo-soldiers they were trying to turn us into. When we got back, I was going to quit and drag Karl to freedom with me. We could open an ice cream shop or something innocuous.

An ear-shattering roar sent the few remaining birds fleeing for their feathery lives and us more terrified. My issued rifle rattled in my shaking hands. Karl dropped his and cursed.

“Get down!” I crouched in the underbrush, dragging Karl down with me.

Karl turned to face me, his serious expression more solemn than I’d ever seen before. “Are we going to just hide here like cowards?”

“Yes. Yes we are.” I insisted. “We aren’t soldiers, Karl. We are scientists. Do you know how to use your weapon? Because I don’t! There is no other reason for us to be here than because our boss is a giant dickhead and thought it would be a great way to unload some of his staff and get a story while he gets the two of us killed.” I’m a little embarrassed at how shrill my voice got in the end, but I wasn’t worried about making too much noise between the monster’s racket and the helicopters.

“Right. Right…I know you’re right.” Karl nodded his head as he spoke. “I really thought we’d be able to figure out more about this thing and report back but even trying will not end well for use. What are we going to tell the boss.”

“I’m thinking ‘I quit’ will get the words across. There’s no way we can get a sample of its DNA unless we luck out and it happens to fall right next to us.”


A large shadow triggered my animal flight instincts. I grabbed the back of Karl’s shirt and dragged him with me as I rushed to escape the falling beast. We ended up a mere five feet away.

Karl blinked at the fallen monster. “Should we take a sample now?”

I stared at Karl in disbelief. “And make him think he had a good idea?”

Karl shrugged.

I groaned. “Take the sample. Just because we have one doesn’t mean we have to hand it over.”

“Finders keepers,” Karl changed.

“Finders keepers,” I agreed.


Birthday Post #16 (Day of Monsters)

I have to admit I’m a big fan of monster movies. Something about a giant creature chomping on people endlessly amuses me. My husband loves to watch them with me, one of the many reasons we’re still compatible after 25 years.

Today we’re watching a monster movie-a-thon. So far we’ve watched King Kong Skull Island and Godzilla:King of monsters. I’ve thought about writing a monster book. A giant beast destroying the world except for a plucky scientist (objectively hot, of course). What do you think? Should I write a book with monsters?

Tomorrow I’ll have something written. Maybe a monster write-up 🙂


Birthday Post #15 (Contest)

I’ve been neglecting my blog for the past few days. Exhaustion has worn me down and dragged away my creativity. Tomorrow, I’ll do a post. Today, let’s have a contest about creativity. One random person chosen will get a $25.00 GC to Amazon or whatever ebook place you go. The question to answer is: what boosts your creativity? Do you have a particular thing that helps you be creative? A place you go? A task you do? Share with the group 🙂


Birthday Post #14

I still owe you one post….yep still owe you. LOL. I’ve decided to post a bit of Quentin 2 that I’m working on. I keep changing it so no promises this will remain in the book but it is possible 🙂

Warning: Small sex scene so only read if you’re over 18. Thank you.

As Quentin hurried down the hall, he studiously pushed his mother’s love life from his mind. She was her own person she didn’t need his opinion of her love life. Maybe if he chanted that in his head a few more times it would become his new truth. He’d learned that meditation technique from a guy he’d roomed with in his early college days, before Morlen flunked out due to drug use. His roommate had claimed the drugs helped with his meditation but did little to get him to class.

He found Grevin awake and sitting up with the assistance of a formidable mountain of pillows.

“Maybe you should remain horizontal?” Quentin said in greeting.

“Nah, it would just make me lazy and then I’d have to get a sexy vampire to take care of my every whim…like you.”

“Funny.” He ruffled Grevin’s hair and smiled at his disgruntled grumbling. “How do you feel?”

“Stupid.” Grevin’s bare chest was swathed in bandages, but Quentin couldn’t spy any blood seeping through. “I made a mistake and a puppy finished it off.”

“What did you release?” Jaks must have waited for Quentin to return before asking.

“Something that makes your rogue vampire seem like a sweetheart.”

“Why would you do that?” Quentin groaned.

Grevin tilted his chin up. “I was conducting research. I needed to know if my interpretation of demonic script was correct and if the scroll I discovered was genuine or a really good fake. Only a demon would have that knowledge. I’m not sure why I didn’t get the scholar demon I requested.”

“Can you usually request a specific demon?” The amount Quentin knew of necromantic pacts with demons would fit into Professor Rendell’s tiny brain.

“Yes. That’s what the runes were for. The fact they didn’t work means something went wrong. I’ve done that ritual dozens of times. Even with the hellhound interference it should have gone that wrong.”

“They might pull your license.” Jaks straightened from where he’d been leaning against the wall while they talked. “Or at least block your ritual room.”

Ritual rooms had to be licensed by the state. If they pulled Grevin’s licensing he’d be unable to do a great deal of his necromantic work.

“Do you think so? Even if it was his first offense?” Quentin didn’t both to hide his outrage. State authorities made it as difficult as possible for necromancers. Although they didn’t directly outlaw their craft they had ridiculously stringent standards for ritual rooms that only one in a hundred necromancers could pass and they were a vanishing breed.

“No.” Grevin interrupted Quentin’s oncoming rant. “My ritual room was grandfathered in before all the new requirements. They can fine me for lack of protection, or poor planning but they can’t stop me from earning a living.”

“Huh. That is fortunate.” Quentin didn’t hide his relief. As much as necromancy gave him the creeps, he didn’t want Grevin to lose his livelihood.

Grevin grimaced. “Sort of. I hear the fines can be outrageous.”

The pair of detectives that arrived at the coven compound were vaguely familiar. It took Quentin a few seconds to realize they were the ones who answered his emergency call when Glenn had been attacked. They offered Quentin a careful nod, gave Jaks suspicious glances then made sure Grevin didn’t mind their presence during his questioning.

“No, I’d like them to stay. Not that I don’t trust police…”

That he didn’t trust police was left unsaid, but highly implied.

“Fair enough,” Detective Forrester pulled a notepad from his inner pocket and began a gentle interrogation over the events that led to a demon’s release. They went over everything twice before they were satisfied with Grevin’s answers.

“And this is the hellhound?” Detective Hansen tilted his head at the adorable puppy circling their feet.

Quentin nodded. “Yep. I think he’s a shadow skipper. When I went to feed Grevin’s dogs, this one escaped even after I locked him in the kennel.”

“That makes so much sense!” Grevin slapped his hand against his forehead. “Ouch!”

“Did you disturb the evidence?” Detective Forrester’s handsome face took a hard edge.

“No. I only went to make sure the animals were being taken care of. I will admit I looked at the ritual circle, but I didn’t know what I was looking at so I left it as is. I didn’t move anything from where it was after we found Grevin.”

“Why didn’t you take him to a hospital?” Detective Hansen asked.

“He’s a necromancer,” Detective Forrester answered his partner. “There are morgues in hospitals.” He continued when Hansen didn’t show any signs of understanding.

“Oh, right.” The detective blushed.

Just as Grevin predicted they slapped him with a fine and told him they would consider him responsible for any additional damages before taking their leave and getting Grevin’s permission to examine the crime site. The demon had ripped Grevin’s wards down.

They finally left after giving Grevin a ticket that would leave his bank account several thousand dollars lighter. “Good thing my father left me a bit of savings.” Grevin sighed

“Don’t you have to get to your class?” Jaks asked.

Quentin checked his watch. “Damn.” The morning had vanished between hellhounds and detectives. “Yeah. How long do you think you’ll remain here?”

“The healer said I’d be fine to leave by this afternoon if the wounds were healing. No offense but I’d rather heal at home.” He ran his hand over his bandaged stomach.

“Will you be all right there? The demon could come back.” Quentin couldn’t help but be concerned over Grevin’s plans.

“I’ll be safe enough. The demon is going to want to avoid a necromancer who could possibly send him back.”

“Fair enough. I’d better get back home to collect my stuff. I didn’t grab any supplies.”

Grevin smirked. “Is this your first class? Are you ready for the adoring hoards?”

Jaks straightened from his languid pose against the wall. “What adoring hoards?”

“Quentin didn’t tell you? After he guest taught that one class he gathered quite the following.”

Quentin hissed at his traitorous friend to be quiet. He’d purposely kept that information from Jaks. The possessive asshole.

“No he didn’t.” Jaks frown told him they would be discussing his omission.

“I didn’t want you to go all dark vamp on the students.” Quentin refused to regret his decision. “I don’t need that sort of reputation.”

Grevin nodded wisely. “It’s hard being a sex symbol and a professor all at once.”

“You are lucky you’re injured or I’d smack you.” Quentin glared at his friend.

“No you wouldn’t.” Grevin snuggled smugly into his pillows. “You’d set me on fire. You aren’t the hitting type.”

Quentin raked his fingers through his hair wondering if his friend was going to drive him bald. “Any way…I’d best get going. I only have a few hours until class.”

“It’s only twice a week, right?” Jaks took possession of Quentin’s right hand, kissing each finger in a completely distracting manner.

“Um..yes.” He futilely tried to retrieve his hand. “It’s an elective and a lot of them will drop out when they realize they don’t have enough power to do half of the spells. I’m not looking forward to telling them.”

“Why didn’t you have them tested before they signed up?” Grevin asked.

“There wasn’t time. There was a delay in setting up the class. One professor on the board didn’t want someone as inexperienced as me teaching anything.”

“Which professor?” Jaks scowled.

“The dean didn’t say.”

“You have an idea don’t you?” Grevin persisted.

“I think it was probably Rendell. He’s always trying to make sure no one is promoted faster than him. I think he sees me as a threat to his funding.” Rendell had always been a pain in his ass, but lately, there have been more calculating looks sent his way whenever he visited his lab.

“Sounds like an asshat.”


A quick kiss to his vampire then Quentin teleported home.

Half an hour later Quentin headed for the college. He decided against traveling directly into his classroom. He had never been inside this particular classroom and didn’t trust his memory of the building’s layout. When he reached his assigned classroom he was glad for his forethought. Students were lined up from the door, down the hall and around the corner.

“Is the door locked?” He tried to peek over the shoulder of a shorter student.

“No, just filled up.” A girl with shoulder-length honey-colored hair answered. She flicked back a strand of hair as she talked.

He checked his watch. “There’s still half an hour before class begins. Excuse me.”

Quentin gently pushed his way to the front to find the door open and students were crammed inside. “Whoa. Let me in.”

A few heads turned his way but no one moved.

He pulsed a bit of his magic. Annoyance added a sharp edge to his power.

Students scattered.

It took a few more minutes to make his way to the front of the class. “It seems no one took into consideration the registration count when they chose my room.”

Scattered laughter met his words. “Raise your hand if you are registered for this class.”

Ten out of the mass of people raised their hands. “What are the rest of you doing here?”

A tiny girl with tanned skin and bright blond hair jumped up and down in a hyper hop. “I was hoping I could audit. I missed the registration window and your class was already full.” She waved a paper at him. “If you could sign this.”

“Raise your hand if you want to audit?”

Dozens more students raised their hands.

Quentin groaned. How was he going to accommodate this many people? “I’m going to have to ask those of you not registered for this class to step out so I can take roll and figure out how many open spaces I might have.” He hated administrative work. Jaks was going to laugh at him, he was certain.

After only a moderate amount of whining all the non-registered students left the room. The remaining students filled the seats.

“I’m going call out your name raise your hand when your name is called.” He didn’t want anyone claiming they replied but he didn’t hear them.

For the next few minutes, every name was checked off Quentin’s list. No empty spots remained. He hadn’t taught one thing and he already wanted the class to be over. With dragging feet, he made his way to the classroom door and called out to the crowd beyond. “I’m sorry but all of the registered spots are taken. If you’re still interested, go to administration to be placed on a waitlist. If enough people sign up they might change classrooms and open it to more people, but I make no promises.”

More grumbling. Quentin closed the door, not willing to deal with complaining. He had already reached his bullshit level and it wasn’t even ten yet.

He went back to the front of the class and grabbed a marker for the whiteboard. “Now let’s go over what we both expect from this class.”

Quentin finished up his first official lecture with a roll of his shoulders and a tired smile. “Please read chapter one and answer questions one through three in the back. Remember I’m interested in your viewpoint not a regurgitated version of the book. If you plan to drop out please do it in the first week so someone else can take your spot. Otherwise, I’ll see you all on Thursday.”

A smattering of applause boosted his ego and smoothed over his rough beginning. As soon as the last student left he teleported home and flopped onto his bed. He desperately needed a nap. He barely pushed the shoes off his feet before darkness claimed him.

The creak of wood snapped him into high alert. His hands glowed with leashed spells as he sat up to face the intruder.

“Easy love. I’m only here to share nap space.”

Quentin vanished the magic tingling his palms. “Sorry, you know I don’t always wake fully.”

Jaks pressed a kiss against Quentin’s forehead. “I know love. Thanks for not incinerating me.”

“Welcome.” Quentin lifted his chin to take the next kiss on the lips. “I think you owe me a proper kiss now.”

He grabbed Jaks’s shirt and yanked him down. Jaks grunted.

“Can I at least take my shoes off,” Jaks whispered against Quentin’s lips.

“You can take off anything you want as long as you return to the bed.” Quentin trailed his fingers across Jaks’s high cheekbones before releasing him.

Jaks licked his lips, eyes never wavering from Quentin’s. “No problem.”

With startling vampire speed, Jaks stripped off every bit of cloth covering his muscled body.

A strangled sound caught in Quentin’s throat. “You are still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

Jaks’s cheeks flushed a faint pink, the brightest Quentin had ever seen a vampire blush. “Sweet talking me into your bed will work every time.”

“Good.” Quentin laughed, exhaustion fading as his libido kicked into high gear.

“You are a bit overdressed for this party, however.”

“Hmm.” Quentin trailed his gaze over every inch of his lover.

“Clothes? You are wearing too many.”

“Is that so?”

Jaks nodded.

“What are you going to do about it?”

“That depends.” Jaks slid his cheek against Quentin’s like a cat marking its territory.

“On what?” Quentin played along.

“On how fond you are of that outfit.” Jaks grabbed Quentin’s buttoned shirt and ripped it apart.

Buttons flew.

Quentin’s mouth dropped open. “I hope you have a minion who can sew.”

“I’ll work something out.” The rest of Quentin’s outfit was handled with the same ruthless determination.

In no time they were rolling around on the bed. Quentin slid down until he was level with Jaks’s erection. “My favorite part of you.”

Jaks scoffed. “And I thought you were in love with me for my mind.”

“Nope. Your cock. It’s perfect.”

It took him a few minutes to get his mouth around the tip. Wrapping his right hand around the shaft he held it in place before sliding it into his mouth. His needy moan vibrated the warm flesh between his lips.

“Teeth!” Jaks scolded.

Quentin lifted his mouth to respond. “You should be happy I don’t have fangs.”

“True. Though I once had a lover…”

Quentin tightened his grip. Jaks yelped. “I’m certain you weren’t going to mention another lover while I have your cock in my hand. Were you, darling?”

“No-no. Not at all, beloved.”

“Good.” Quentin dipped his head back to his task mindful of his teeth. He didn’t wish to harm his lover even if he was sometimes aggravating as fuck.

Sucking, licking, and pumping, he brought Jaks to the brink over and over, before backing down. After several cycles of this, Jaks grabbed Quentin’s arm and yanked him up with his disturbing vampire strength. “No more, beloved. I have to have you now.”

Quentin scrambled for the lube. Jaks’s needy scent spiked his arousal. He’d been hard ever since Jaks had joined him in bed. The joyous click of a lube opening made him even harder.

His phone rang.

“No!” Quentin sobbed.

“Ignore it.”

“What if it’s an emergency.” Quentin sat up.

“I’m an emergency.” A low growl rolled up Jaks’s throat. “If you stop now I will kill whoever is on the other line.”

Quentin paused. His hand frozen over the phone. Jaks expression didn’t allow room for misinterpretation. “Jaks,” he began.


“Fine. But if there is an apocalypse.”

Jaks grinned, more a baring of teeth than a real smile. “I’ll make sure we survive.”


Birthday Post #13

I know I missed one. I was soo tired yesterday. I’ll catch up I promise 🙂

I wrote this one after I’d watched one too many episodes of Alone. This isn’t edited much. Just thought I’d warn you.

Axel Summers folded his arms and glared at his best friend. Yutu Smith glared back, his brown eyes fierce with defiance. “I don’t care what your sister says. You shouldn’t just run off.”

“Why not?” Axel scraped his fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp. “I need to get away for a bit.”

“Don’t let Lynn run you off. You should stick around and shame him properly.”

Axel laughed so hard his eyes watered. “Did your mother teach you that?”

Yutu sniffed. “My Aana would have strung him up for the wolves to eat. She doesn’t like liars.”

He placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “It is a good opportunity, and if I last, I’ll get half a million dollars. It is a great deal if you ask me. Besides, I could use the money.”

“Why? I thought you were doing well at the school?”

“I am, but I have some hospital bills from when I had my appendix removed last year. I’m still paying that off.”

“I could loan you the money.”

“No. Besides, you sendmost of your paycheck to your grandmother, don’t you?”

Yutu’s dark skin flushed. “Not all of it.”

Axel squeezed Yutu’s larger hand. “Thanks, buddy, but I’ll be fine.”

“I’m here for you if you need me.” Yutu’s empathic expression had Axel patting his hand.

“You always are.”

They had met in college. Yutu had been in the engineering program while Axel took some classes to decide what he wanted to do before he dropped out. The classroom never agreed with him. Too restricting.

Despite Axel leaving school early they had remained friends and went on hikes together at least once a month. “Where are you going anyway?”

Axel shrugged. “They wouldn’t say. Some remote island. Might be near your old stomping grounds. Maybe you can help me pack my bag. I can bring ten items.”

“If I can’t talk you out of it, I will help you pack. You might be an outdoors guy, but this is at a whole different level. You aren’t used to this kind of cold. It will eat your bones and steal your breath.”

“Sounds lovely.” Axel scratched his cheek as he considered what he might run into. “There will probably be a lot of bears and wolves.”

Yutu coughed. “Definitely bears.”

Axel pulled out his list. “They will provide an air horn and some bear spray, so that doesn’t have to be one of my ten items. I also get a camera, a first aid kit, and a head lamp.”

“That’s good. Anything else?”

“Looks like some emergency supplies. Luckily my clothes don’t count toward the ten.”

“Too bad you could’ve brought in the viewers with your fine ass.”

Axel laughed. “I think that’s a whole other show.”

Yutu smirked.

It took all his attention to force his gaze away from Yutu’s appealing lips. He’s resisted all these years he could hold out longer. Yutu deserved better than Axel’s rebound affections.

“You should definitely bring a hand saw and a knife.”

“Or maybe a multi-tool.”

They argued back and forth over what he would bring until they came to an agreement that they were both confident would see him through the longest number of days.

“When are you leaving?”

“Thursday.” He had four days to get all his shit together.

“I’ll help you shop tomorrow.”

“You don’t have work?”

“I’ve got the weekend off.” Yutu’s eyes crinkled adorably at the corners.

“Great! I’ll take you out to lunch as a thank you.”

“It’s a date.” Yutu knocked his fist on the table then got to his feet. “What time do you want to meet?”


“See you then.” Yutu offered one last smile before sashaying out the door.

Now wasn’t the time to give into his inappropriate attraction to his best friend. Axel had dated Lynn to avoid that situation and look how that turned out. He had known when they first got together that Lynn wasn’t who he wanted, but he didn’t want to be alone all his life so he had settled. Lynn didn’t want to be the one he settled for, he wanted to be the focus of Axel’s life and he couldn’t force himself to give him that much attention. He had been a horrible boyfriend, but unlike Lynn, he had been faithful at least.

Still muttering about poor relationships and stupid, kind friends with stupid, pretty eyes, Axel took himself to bed. He’d had enough introspection for one night.


Birthday Blog #12

Here is the first half. Sorry it isn’t longer but I was short on time today; my laptop died, and I spent way too long troubleshooting my poor deceased computer.

There were moments in a man’s life when he had to rethink his position on religion. It was hard to pray to any god when your in-laws were related to a bunch of Greek ones, none of whom Silver would ever pray to regularly. However, as he wound deep sapphire ropes around his submissive, his godling, his everything, he vowed to found a new religion.

Eyeing the golden skin of his beloved, it would have to be an exclusive religion with only one acolyte.

“Easy, darling,” he soothed. “I don’t want to pinch anything.”

Sparks of electricity had begun to flash off his lover’s golden skin. Other people might worry about their sub panicking. Silver had to watch out for electrocution.

Anthony’s eyes shimmered in the dim hotel light. “Sorry, it’s been a while since we’ve indulged. I’m trying to suppress it.”

“If holding back starts to hurt, let me know, and I’ll unwrap you.”

Anthony nodded.

“I need a verbal reply.” He let his voice dip into a rumble.

Goosebumps shivered up Anthony’s exposed skin.


“No.” Anthony bit his lip.

“Good.” Silver turned his attention to Anthony’s inner thigh. He kissed, nipped, and then rubbed his cheek against the smooth skin pulling a lovely groan from his sub. “I never tire of your eyes on me.”

A huff of amusement left Anthony’s plush lips. “It’s because your ego is enormous, my alpha. You like to be the center of everyone’s attention.”

“I like to be the center of yours.” He would do much to remain the center of Anthony’s world.

“You always are.”

“Good.” He looped the rope, binding Anthony’s wrists together, careful not to cut off circulation. The goal was to seduce, not to injure. “Nothing hurts?”

“No, I’m good.” Anthony’s slow, calming breaths told him his lover was trying to keep centered and not cum before they got halfway through the process. Over the years, Silver had learned how to push Anthony’s buttons, and his lover adored being completely under Silver’s control, even when he struggled, especially when he struggled.

Silver wrapped the rope around Anthony’s calves with slow, careful motions. He ended the wrap with a tidy bow. “There you go, all tied up as a present for me. I’ve mush have been a good boy this year.”

Anthony’s laugh had a ragged edge. He grabbed a rolled towel from the floor where he’d put it before. Shoving the towel beneath Anthony’s ass, he tilted his hips at an optimal angle. “I brought you a present too.”

From the dresser, he pulled a dildo he had stashed there earlier. It had fresh batteries. With a wicked smile, Silver showed the bottle of warming lube he’d picked up along with the sex toy. “I’ve come prepared.”

Anthony shivered.