35 thoughts on “Let’s have some fun!

  1. I would definitely choose the MoonPack series. I don’t watch a lot of television so I don’t know who I would chose to star as the main characters.

  2. The Moonpack would be fun to watch (see on TV) also, Dragon Men, Hidden Magic, Mixed Mates, Thresl and Wizard Thouch. Not to forget Matchmaker, wandmaker, (My man) Declan and at last but not least the Larson Legacy.

  3. I would like to see Vampire Wanted and the Single Title books made into a TV show. I don’t watch a lot of tv. I like to read. I would like to see Taylor Kitsch as the main character in My Man Declan or main character in Vampire Wanted.

  4. It’s a toss up between two but I would think Dragon Mates or Banded Brothers for a mini series and Moon Pack for a longer tv show.

    1. Oh and for a lead on them – maybe some of the stars from Supernatural or Vampire Diaries

  5. What a great idea! I’d love to see Moon Pack turned into a series and End Street Detective Agency and A Wizard’s Touch turned into a miniseries. I don’t watch a lot of television, so I don’t know which actors to choose.

  6. End Street Detective agency….My Bob would be Hugh Jackman, my Sam would be Matt Barr

  7. That is such a hard question, can’t I pick them all. If I had to pick just one it would be Moon Pack

  8. Band of Brothers, Moon Pack and Thresels!

    Not sure who I would have cast… Don’t know any modern actors.

  9. Oh boy. Lol. I’d like to see the Thresl books into movies. I’d have to check out the newer actors too see who would play who though.

  10. Heehee, anything she writes would be a fun thing to watch as she infuses a world(s) of (mostly) sci-fi/paranormal with action packed adventures, comedy and romance. Fun tv shows/mini series (off the top of my head) would be the Moon Pack series as well as the Thresl Chronicles. I can totally see some of my favorite books as movies I would re-watch as much as I re-read them. Accounting for Luke, Matchmaker, Matchmaker, and Taking Care of Charlie-to name a couple, or three!
    I am horrible with names and not much better with faces so I couldn’t tell you who is who acting wise, I do love a good authentic accent though (even if I can’t understand what they are saying, lol). 🙂

  11. I think all of them could be made into a tv show or movie. Personally I would love to see the Supernatural Mates, The Thresl Chronicles or Banded Brothers live. I’m not sure who I would cast for any of them though.

  12. Any of them would make a great watch and with actors like
    Dominic Sherwood
    Matthew Daddario
    Isaiah Mustafa
    Harry Shum Jr.
    David Castro
    and many more would make a exciting tv series

  13. i think the best would be city of keys or Thresl Chronicles, but i think i would watch any of Amber’s books on tv even tho i don`t usually watch tv

  14. That’s easy, The Moon Pack. Don’t know about actors as long as they are a Tall Drink of Water….

  15. Tough choice, but I’d have to go Moon Pack. I’d pick Joe Manganiello as Silver, and either Matt Bomer or Taron Eggerton as Anthony.

  16. Quentin Heart would be great, then Thresls, Band of Brothers/Dragons of Seattle, Jaynell’s Wolf. Any of the series that are set in the PacNW. As far as stars, I would like to see unknowns that would be as close to the characters in looks as possible.

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